Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gift Cards For Christmas?

I know the topic of gift cards is touchy. Is it impersonal? Does it say I don't care? How much is cheap?
So here are my thoughts on gift cards.

~Gift cards are like cash but they limit where you can spend them.

~If you are giving a gift card to a child, cash would be better, as mom or dad could then decide how much goes into savings and how much of it they can spend.

~Since the recipients obviously won't use them until after Christmas the money you put on them will go farther since so many things will be on sale!

~The best presents are things people won't buy for themselves. If you know the person well get them a Gift card to their favorite store.

~Some people are harder to shop for and you can even buy "mall" gift cards. This is like a visa and they can spend it anywhere.

~The only down side- Just remember a gift card is essentially like cash in the essence if it gets lost it is gone~

~I don't suggest getting the in laws a gift card unless it's for a cruise! lol

So in short gift cards can be a great gift!

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